2024 WASSCE Geography Sample Questions And Answers

Here are some sample questions for the 2024 WASSCE Geography paper which will be written on Wednesday, 18th September, 2024. These questions have been well analyzed. They were selected based on past questions and current WAEC and GES Syllabus.
2024 WASSCE Geography Sample Questions And Answers
1. The primary source of energy that drives the water cycle is ….
B. sun….
C.earth’s magnetic field
D. geothermal energy
2. Which of the following processes explains denudation?
A. Deposition of sediments
B. Erosion of rocks
C. Formation of beaches
D. Formation of mountains
3. Which of the following materials will you suggest for compost manure?
A. Farmyard manure and green manure
B.Farm refuse and household refuse
C. Organic remains of biogas plants
D. Rotten vegetables and animal refuse.
4. Functional relations establish between rural and urban settlement in Ghana through the…
A. means of transport and communication
B. supply of raw material
C. exchange of finished products in rural areas
D.exchange of goods and services
5. Why would someone from Ghana move to Nigeria without strict requirements of detailed documentation as compared to moving from Ghana to South Africa.
A. Both countries are members of one economic organization
B. Both countries are close to each other in terms of proximity.
C. Both countries are English-speaking countries.
D. Both countries have the same agricultural produce.
6. On a map showing two settlements, compare and contrast these settlements and their population, the number of schools, road network, and religious facilities. Which of the following will best explain the relationship between them?
A. Population, road network, number of schools
B. Population, number of schools, road network, religious facilities
C. Location, population, number of schools, road network, religious facilities
D. Population, number of schools, religious facilities
7. On a map, there are two big towns and a village lying far apart but are connected by roads. However, the road connecting the big towns is a first-class road while the roads connecting each of the big towns to the village are third-class roads. How will you explain this to your students in a map reading class?
A. The volume of people, goods, and services moving between the big towns is higher
B. There is a lot of erosion along the road between the big towns making authorities spend more on it to prevent it from being destroyed.
C.The chief in the small town is not powerful.
D. The big towns have come together to contribute to constructing the road better.
8. Which of the following is the best precaution to take in the event of an earthquake?
A. After the earthquake, people should quickly move into shelters.
B.During the earthquake people should run helter-skelter.
C. For the duration of the earthquake, people should stay close to public facilities.
D. During the period people in streets or road, should move away from utility poles.
9. Commercial farmers in your village had the boundaries of their farms mapped out. One of them gave her map to you and added that 1000 bags were harvested from her farm. How best will you explain to her the number of bags on average this farmer was making per hectare?
A. Compute the area in hectares and divide it by 1000.
B. Compute the area in hectares and multiply it by 1000.
C. Compute the area in hectares and divide 1000 by the area
D. Compute the area in hectares and give it to him.
10. Remote sensing methods are usually employed for environmental monitoring in geographic studies. To determine deforestation, the most plausible way is to…
A. change detection with two images at different periods
B. time series analysis with at least three images at different periods
C. normalize difference vegetation index with one or two images
D. capture terrestrial images once
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
READ ALSO; 2024 BECE English Language Sample Questions And Answers
Theory Questions
- Draw a sketch map of Ghana
- State four characteristics of rivers in Ghana.
- Identify any four importance of rivers in Ghana
- Identify and list five problems affecting industrial growth in developing countries.
- Suggest five best measures that can promote the growth of these developing countries.
- What is internal trade?
- State five problems limiting internal trade in Ghana.
- Identify four importance of internal trade in Ghana.
- Enlighten five characteristics of rural settlements in Tropical Africa.
- In what five ways does rural settlement depend on urban settlement?
- Describe rail transportation in Tropical Africa and give four advantages
- Identify and list five problems affecting industrial growth in developing countries.
- Suggest five best measures that can promote the growth of these developing countries.
- What are highlands?
- Highlight four disadvantages of highlands in Africa.
- In what four ways are lowlands useful in Africa?
- Draw a sketch map of Africa and on the map show and name the Ahaggar (Hoggar) mountains and Latitude 23.5 degrees south of the equator.
- List four members countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- State five objectives and aims of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- Highlight four major achievements of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
- Explain ‘Irrigation’
- What are some four challenges affecting irrigation agriculture along the Nile River Basin?
- Suggest two solutions to the above challenges.
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