Download 2024 BECE Integrated Science Sample Practical Questions and Answers

As candidates prepare for the BECE, they need more 2024 BECE Integrated Science Sample Practical Questions and Answers to work with. This is why this news portal exists and continues to share such resources for the benefit of schools, candidates, and other stakeholders.
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2024 BECE Integrated Science Sample Practical Questions and Answers
Answer question 1 and any other four questions
1. (a) Study the diagrams below and answer the questions
i. Identify A, B, and C and describe the shape 3marks
ii. Name the parts labeled I and II in A. 2marks
iii. State the functions of A,B and C in relation to diet or food 3marks
iv. Mention two diseases that affect the tooth 2marks
QUESTION 1a Solution
i. A—pre-molar, molar; flattened with projections on their surface
B—incisor ; chisel shape
C—canine ; conical or pointed [3marks]
ii. I—crown II- roots [2marks]
iii. A – pre-molar are used for tearing and grinding of food
B-incisor are used for cutting food
C-canines are used for tearing flesh [3marks]
iv. d)Gum disease and tooth decay [2marks]
(b) Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow
i. What would the observer see from the position shown? 2mark
ii. What happens when cardboard B is shifted? 1mark
iii. Explain the observation made (b) above 2marks
iv. What does the experiment demonstrate? 1mark
v. Mention two devices that works on property of light demonstrated 2marks
vi. Mention two natural occurrences that could be explained by the property of light demonstrated 2marks
QUESTION 1b Solution
i. The observer will see the source of light through the holes………………2marks
ii. The source of light cannot be seen by the observer………………………[1mark, correct to score]
iii. The observation is that light travels in a straight line……………………..[2 marks]
iv. The experiment demonstrate rectilinear propagation of light ………………1mark
v. Projector, camera, touch light, lamp…………………….any two points, 1 mark each, 2marks
vi. Eclipse of the sun, eclipse of the moon…………………any two marks, 1 mark each, 2 marks
c) The diagram below shows the structure of an atom. Study the diagram carefully and use it to answer the questions that follow.
i. identify the parts labelled I, II, III and IV 4marks
ii. how many electrons are in the atom? 2marks
iii. state the atomic number of the atom 2marks
iv. state two differences between protons and electrons 2marks
Question 1c. Solution
(i) I-electron II-shell III-neutron IV-nucleus [4marks]
ii)number of electrons= 3 [2marks]
iii)the atomic number = 3 [2marks]
i. proton has positive charge
ii. proton has a mass of 1a.m.u
iii. electron has a negative charge
iv. electron has a negligible mass number [any two 2marks]
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Final set of 2024 BECE Integrated Science Sample Practical Questions and Answers in this publication.
(d) The diagrams represent how to determine a component of a soil. Use them to answer the questions
(i) Name each of the parts labeled I, II, III and IV [4 marks]
(ii) If the set – up is left for three days, state what would happen to the lime in each of the diagram A and B [2 marks]
(iii) What is the function of the part labeled III? [1 mark]
(iv) Give one reason each for the answers given in (ii) [4 marks]
(v) What is the conclusion of the experiment [1 mark]
READ: 2024 BECE Integrated Science Questions And Answers
QUESTION 1d Solution
(i) I ——-thread
II——- muslin bag/bag
IV——Conical flask—————4marks, 1mark each , correct spellings to score
(ii) to prevent air from escaping or entering the conical flask———–1mark, correct to score
(iii) A—to show the presence of living organisms in soil/main experiment
B—control experiment —————-4marks, 2marks each, correct to score
(iv) the lime water will turns milky ——-1 mark, correct to score
(v) to check soil micro- organisms_———1mark
We encourage students to revise with these materials. You can, however, get all our mock examination questions and answers at our stores, –BECE STORE 1 AND STORE 2
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