See how to answer these 2025 BECE Social Studies questions

In this post, we explain how to answer two important 2025 BECE Social Studies Mock Questions. We actually provide you with the answers the examiner experts. Our hope is that, you will use this approach when answers many of the social questions you will come into contact with.
If the questions is worth 9 to 20 marks, always state the point in sentence form and explain it. Support the answer with an example.
2025 BECE Social Studies Mock Questions and Answers – See how to answer these two questions
Let is now look at some of the questions.
Identifying and Explaining Five Major Problems Facing the Tourism Industry in Ghana
Suggested answers:
1. Inadequate Infrastructure is one of the major problems of tourist site.
Many tourist destinations in Ghana suffer from poor infrastructure, including roads, airports, and communication networks. This makes travel within the country challenging and less appealing to both domestic and international tourists. Inadequate infrastructure can lead to longer travel times, discomfort, and overall dissatisfaction among tourists, reducing repeat visits and word-of-mouth recommendations.
2. Limited Marketing and Promotion of tourist sites in Ghana.
Ghana’s tourism potential is not widely known globally due to insufficient marketing efforts. There is a lack of effective promotional campaigns to showcase the country’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and historical sites. Without strong marketing, Ghana fails to attract a larger share of international tourists, losing out to more aggressively marketed destinations.
3. Lack of safety and security concerns at most tourist sites in the country.
Issues related to safety and security, including petty crimes, scams, and occasional political instability, can deter tourists from visiting Ghana. Concerns about safety can significantly influence tourists’ decisions, leading to a preference for destinations perceived as safer.
4. The effects of environmental degradation on tourist sites.
Pollution, deforestation, and improper waste management are harming natural tourist attractions like beaches, parks, and wildlife reserves. Environmental degradation diminishes the natural beauty and appeal of these sites, reducing their attractiveness and potential for tourism.
Insufficient Skilled Workforce
5. The tourism industry in Ghana lacks adequately trained professionals in hospitality, tour guiding, and customer service. This gap leads to subpar experiences for tourists. A lack of skilled workers can result in poor service quality, negatively affecting tourists’ experiences and their likelihood of recommending Ghana as a travel destination.
1 mark for each point and 2 marks for explanation × any 4 = 12 marks
b. Measures that can be taken to develop human resource in Ghana.
Look at how the answers are written. If you write lazy answers of less than 10 wordsm you are likley to score less marks and end up failling.
- Implement continuous education and vocational training programs to enhance skills and knowledge relevant to the specific needs of the organization, industry, or economy.Encourage and support attendance at workshops, seminars, and conferences, and provide access to online courses and certifications to keep the workforce updated on the latest trends and technologies.
- Establish mentorship and coaching programs to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience from seasoned professionals to newer employees, fostering a culture of learning and growth.
- Introduce performance-based incentives, such as bonuses, promotions, and recognition awards, to motivate employees to improve their skills and productivity.
- Promote health and well-being initiatives, including access to healthcare, fitness programs, and work-life balance policies, to ensure a healthy, motivated, and productive workforce.
2 marks each × any 4 = 8 marks
Explain the term coup d’e’tat with an example.
Asnwer: A coup d’état is the sudden and illegal overthrow of a government, usually by a small group within the existing state establishment, typically the military to replace the deposed government with another body, civil or military.
This act is often characterized by the use of force or the threat of force and is usually undertaken without the consent of the general populace or any formal legal process. An example of a coup d’e’tat is, on December 31, 1981, Flight Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings led a successful coup d’e’tat against the government of President Hilla Limann.
2 marks for explanation and 2 marks for example = 4 marks
b. Discuss four factors that lead to coup d’e’tat.
[i] Political Instability and Weak Governance can lead to coup d’e’tat.
When a country experiences political instability, characterized by frequent changes in government, ineffective leadership, and weak institutions, it creates an environment where coups are more likely to occur. Weak governance fails to address the needs and concerns of the populace, leading to discontent and making it easier for military or other groups to justify a takeover.
[ii] Economic hardship and inequality in the country can also lead to coup d’e’tat.
Severe economic problems, including high unemployment, inflation, and widespread poverty, can fuel dissatisfaction with the government. Economic mismanagement or perceived inequality can also lead to public unrest. Economic hardship can undermine the legitimacy of the government, providing a pretext for the military or other factions to intervene, claiming they will restore stability and prosperity.
[When there is corruption and lack of accountability among those in leadership, it can lead to coup d’e’tat.
Rampant corruption and the absence of accountability within the government erode public trust and confidence in leadership. When leaders are seen as enriching themselves at the expense of the populace, it creates resentment and unrest. Corruption weakens the moral authority of the government, making it easier for military leaders to justify a coup as a means to clean up the government and restore order.
Ethnic and social tensions bread coup d’e’tat.
Deep-seated ethnic, religious, or social divisions can create a volatile environment. When a government is perceived as favoring one group over others, it can lead to tensions and conflicts. Such divisions can be exploited by coup plotters to gain support from marginalized groups, promising them better representation and treatment under a new regime.
Military discontent leads to coup d’e’tat.
Discontent within the military, often due to poor pay, lack of resources, or disagreement with government policies, can lead to a coup. Military leaders may feel compelled to act if they believe the civilian government is jeopardizing national security or military interests. A dissatisfied military is a significant risk factor for a coup, as they possess the necessary organization and force to execute a takeover effectively.
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2 marks for each point and 2 marks for explanation × any 4 = 16 marks
It is hoped that the guided answers for the 2025 BECE Social Studies Mock Questions and Answers here will help you answer questions well.