You Can’t Take These Items To The Exams Hall During WASSCE (Illegal Items)

WAEC has several rules and regulations regarding the items and tools being sent to the exams hall by candidates. Let’s take a look at the items you can’t take to the exams hall during the 2024 WASSCE and BECE. These are usually known as illegal items.
Illegal Items During WASSCE Or BECE
1. Blank piece of paper, cribs, notes textbooks, prepared material or any other printed material, in the examination hall (except mobile phone or any other electronic communication device). When a candidate is found with these items, the following shall apply:
- Where it is confirmed or there is evidence to show that the candidate is involved in examination malpractice in only one subject, the result of the subject involved, shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
- Where it cannot be immediately confirmed or there is no evidence to show that the candidate is involved in examination malpractice in only one subject, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
2. Where a candidate is found with a programmable calculator in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
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3. Where a candidate is found in the examination hall to have inscription(s) on any part of his/her body or clothing, the candidate’s entire results in the examination shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
4. Where a candidate is found with a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council
1. Where a candidate is apprehended for offence(s) such as those listed below inside or outside the examination hall, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council:
- Stealing, converting or misappropriating the scripts of other candidates.
- Substituting worked scripts during or after the examination.
- Submission of more than one worked script.
- Possession of more than one question paper or answer booklet.
- Seeking or receiving help from non-candidate(s) such as invigilator(s), supervisor(s), teacher(s) or other personalities before, during or after the examination.
2. Where the person giving the help is not a candidate for the examination ins ession, but a prospective candidate, he/she shall be barred from taking any examination conducted by the Council for 1 year and will also be reported to the appropriate authority for disciplinary action to be taken against him/her. In addition to the above action, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
3. Where a candidate is apprehended for offence(s) such as those listed below inside or outside the examination hall, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council:
- Tearing part of the question paper or answer booklet during the examination.
- Refusing to submit worked script to the Supervisor after the examination.
- Starting to write an examination before commencement of work is officially announced OR continuing to write after official orders have been given for candidates to stop work.
- Other irregular activities including but not limited to causing noise or disturbances within the immediate precincts of the examination hall before, during or after the examination.