2024 WASSCE Government Sample Questions
The 2024 WASSCE Government paper will be written on Monday, 2nd September, 2024. We have compiled some sample questions for all candidates. These questions were derived from WAEC’s confirmed topics.
2024 WASSCE Government Sample Questions
1. Define the Electoral Commission in Ghana’s perspective?
2. Highlight five roles of an Electoral Commission of Ghana
3. Mention six Electoral Commission officials
4. Outline three merits and three demerits of Separation of Powers.
5. Explain six functions performed by political parties in your country.
6. Describe six factors that can determine the effectiveness of pressure groups
7. Explain six duties expected to be performed by a citizen of a state.
8. (a) What is a state?
(b) Outline five reasons why individuals must belong to a state.
9. What is citizenship?
10. Explain who a citizen is
11. Mention four ways citizenship is acquired
12. What is press freedom?
13. Mention four roles of the media
14. What is meant by the term media
15. Mention four ways the freedom of the press is hindered
16. Mention four importance of the media in a state.
17. Mention three Ghanaian journalists who were either killed or brutalized while executing their jobs.
2024 WASSCE Government Sample Questions
18. Explain law and order
19. Highlight four effects of law and order in Ghana
20. What is cultism?
21. Highlight six reasons for the formation of cult groups?
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22. Government is currently battling COVID-19, it is the role of government to battle it so as a government student, you must know what a pandemic is, its effects and roles government can play to battle it.
a. What is meant by a pandemic?
b. State four effects of COVID-19 on the economy of Ghana.
c. Mention four roles government can play in battling COVID-19.
23. Explain four external causes of nationalism in Ghana.
24. a Describe any four groups of the Mole-Dagbani.
(b) Highlight four features of the political organization of the Mole-Dagbani.
25. a What is proto-nationalism?
(b) State five factors that promoted proton nationalism before the end of the Second World War.
26. Highlight four reasons for the electoral success of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana in 1992.
27. Outline six functions of the Prime Minister under the 1969 constitution of Ghana.
28. Identity any six powers of a British colonial Governor in West African which made him a dictator.
29. Highlight six contribution of Ghana towards the growth of Economic Community of West Africans States (ECOWAS).
30. a What is Foreign policy.?
(b) Highlight five features in Ghana’s foreign policy since independence.
Needs more questions
hi I want you to help me with the wassce questions for 2024 likely questions
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Is it for all subjects
please I want you to send me wassce 2024 questions