GNAT Leadership Stages Walkout on Deputy Education Minister Over TM1 Laptop

- Away! Away!!, stage a walkout on Dep Education Minister over TM1 laptop.
- Clearly teachers and teacher unions are not happy with the delays in supplying laptops to colleague who are yet to recieve it.
In a video circulating on social media, GNAT council members can be heard chanting Away! Away!! along with a chorus claps as they stage a demonstration at a meeting to discuss issued relating to pending TM1 laptops for teachers who are yet to be supplied.
The walkout was staged by the The National Council of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) against Professor Kingsley Nyarko who is the Deputy Education Minister.
This was the result of unresolved laptop issues such us nom supply and delays. The walk out happened on July 22nd in the Ashanti region.
On the said date, a crunch meeting had been scheduled at the GNAT Village, Abankro Ejisu in the Ashanti Region. The meeting expected the Education Minister to be present and to provide information on the delayed laptops for teachers. However, the ministry failed to issue out an official information on the matter.
Not satisfied by the action by the leadership of the ministry, the officers of GNAT present triggered and staged the walk out amidst chanting of away! away!! which was accompanied by clapping.
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The walk out was staged while in the presence of the Deputy Education Minister Professor Kingsley Nyarko.
The GNAT Leadership Staged Walkout on Deputy Education Minister Over TM1 Laptop is a clear indication of widespread public dissatisfaction among teachers with how the ministry of education and government has handled the one teacher one laptop policy of the government.