2024 WASSCE Grading System

The 2024 WASSCE Grading System has been revealed. All 2024 WASSCE candidates must know the kind of grading system that will be used to assess their results. The performance of candidates will be shown for each subject on their respective results using the grading system explained in this post.
WASSCE Grading System was introduced to assess students’ performance. The WASSCE grading system is based on the percentage of your total marks (continuous assessment, which is 30% and the WASSCE, which is 70%). Most students who fail WASSCE do so because they did not score good marks in their final examination.
The WASSCE 2024 grades in percentage ranges
In all, there are nine (9) grades that a student can obtain. The grades range from grade 1 to 9. While grade 1 is the best and has “Excellent” as its remark, while grade 9 commonly known as F is the worst grade a student can obtain in any WAEC examination at the Senior High School level.
Grades from 1 to 9 are awarded to students per subject if their scores per subject fall within a given range. For instance, students who score from 75 to 100 in any subject will obtain grade 1. Now, take a look at the full grade table.
WASSCE grading system used by WAEC:
Grade | Description | Percentage Range |
A1 | Excellent | 75% – 100% |
B2 | Very Good | 70% – 74% |
B3 | Good | 65% – 69% |
C4 | Credit | 60% – 64% |
C5 | Credit | 55% – 59% |
C6 | Credit | 50% – 54% |
D7 | Pass | 45% – 49% |
E8 | Pass | 40% – 44% |
F9 | Failure | 0% – 39% |
The numerical value is also listed below;
A1 | 1 | EXCELLENT |
B2 | 2 | VERY GOOD |
B3 | 3 | GOOD |
C4 | 4 | CREDIT |
C5 | 5 | CREDIT |
C6 | 6 | CREDIT |
D7 | 7 | PASS |
E8 | 8 | PASS |
F9 | 9 | FAIL |
2024 WASSCE Grading System and Its Interpretation in Percentage
Grade | Definition | Interpretation in Percentage |
A1 | Excellent | 75 – 100 |
B2 | Very Good | 70 – 74 |
B3 | Good | 65 – 69 |
C4 | Credit | 60 – 64 |
C5 | Credit | 55 – 59 |
C6 | Credit | 50 – 54 |
D7 | Pass | 49 – 45 |
E8 | Pass | 40 – 44 |
F9 | Fail | 0 – 39 |
How Do I Calculate My WASSCE Results?
To calculate your WASSCE results properly, sum the 6 best subjects of your results. Including the four core subjects (Mathematics, English, Integrated Science, and Social Studies). Mathematics and English Language are always a must among the core subjects.
If you intend to pursue a science-related program in university, you need to include Science in your grading, but if you do not, then you can consider Social Studies.
2024 WASSCE Exam Date
The West African Examinations Council (WAEC), has released the 2024 WASSCE Timetable. The exams are scheduled for 5th August 2024 and are expected to end on 20 September 2024.
Before we take a look at the timetable, let’s take a look at the list of all confirmed subjects for the 2024 WASSCE.
1. English Language
2. Integrated Science
3. Mathematics (Core)
4. Social Studies
5. General Agriculture
6. Animal Husbandry
7. Crop Husbandry and Horticulture
8. Fisheries
9. Forestry
10. Biology
11. Physics
12. Mathematics (Elective)
13. Geography
14. French
15. Music
16. ICT (Elective)
17. Business Management
18. Financial Accounting
19. Principles of Cost Accounting
20. Economics
21. Typewriting (40wpm)
22. Clerical Office Duties
23. Literature in English
24. Technical Drawing
25. Applied Electricity
26. Auto Mechanics
27. Building Construction
28. Electronics
29. Metalwork
30. Woodwork
31. Chemistry
32. Management-In-Living
33. Clothing and Textiles
34. Foods and Nutrition
35. General Knowledge-In-Art
36. Textiles
37. Graphic Design
38. Picture Making
39. Basketry
40. Ceramics
41. Jewellery
42. Leatherwork
43. Sculpture
44. Christian Religious Studies
45. Arabic
46. Government
47. History
48. Islamic Religious Studies
49. West Africa Traditional Religion
50. Dagaare
51. Dagbani
52. Dangme
53. Ewe
54. Ga
55. Gonja
56. Kasem
57. Nzema
58. Twi (Akuapem)
59. Twi (Asante)
Click here to download the 2024 WASSCE Timetable
The West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is a standardized test administered by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC). It is designed for students in their third year of Senior High School in West Africa and also for private candidates. The primary purposes of the WASSCE are selection for tertiary education and certification.
The examination is conducted twice a year, typically in May/June for school candidates and in September/October for private candidates. For school candidates, registration usually occurs between September and November. Schools are responsible for registering their candidates and uploading their entry data online. Entry documents, along with evidence of payment, are submitted to the Council’s office. Private candidates can register online between February and May.
WASSCE offers a wide range of subjects categorized into core, elective, and optional subjects. Core subjects include English Language, Integrated Science, Mathematics (Core), and Social Studies. Elective subjects vary across different programs such as Agricultural, Business, Technical, Vocational, General Arts, and General Science
core mathematics leaked
Yes, it really really leaked, why?
Even if it leaked I don’t think all the students had an access to it..