3 Teachers of Somé SHS Interdicted For Stealing Free SHS food

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has interdicted three officers (teachers) of Somé SHS in the Volta Region for stealing food supplies meant for free SHS students. The news was made public via a press release dated May 27, 2024, signed by Cassandra Twum Ampofo, Head of Public Relations Unit of the Ghana Education Service in Accra.
Therefore, the headmaster has ordered them to step aside and hand over while an investigation into the alleged stealing is underway.
According to the GES, the three were interdicted for allegedly stealing free SHS food meant for the school.
“The press release indicated that the management of the Ghana Education Service has interdicted Richard Ametoxe (Bursar), Yaw Dzikunu (Matron), and Alex Obuadi (storekeeper), all of Somé Senior High School (SHS), with immediate effect, pending further investigations into the alleged stealing of free SHS food items.”
“The three officers are to hand them over to the headmaster of the school.”
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“The investigative committee has been given two weeks to submit its report to the management.”
The three officers of Somé SHS interdicted over the theft of free SHS food will have their fates determined after the investigations.
Reactions of Teachers To The News: The 3 Teachers of Somé SHS Interdicted Over Stealing of Free SHS Food
A cross-section of staff at the GES and the general public have reacted to the news. Some are of the view that such characters within the education service are the ones destroying the free SHS policy. In the end, they will say that the government’s free SHS policy is useless. They have called for the suspects to be punished if the investigations prove that they engaged in the alleged theft.
It is also being alleged that such acts stealing by those put in charge of ensuring proper checks and safety in many Free SHSs in the country.
One of the commentators on the post made on Facebook by GES has called on the GES to investigate BAWKU SNR HIGH for similar offenses.
A worried educator, while reacting to the news said, such acts surely led to teachers suffering all kinds of undeserved disrespect from learners and the general public. He suggested the letter should not have been posted on Social Media.
“How will teachers be respected in this country if all the bad deeds of teachers are posted on social media for everyone to read while there is a channel of communication if a teacher needs promotion? This letter should be sent to the school through the appropriate channels rather than posting them here. Things that are worse than this do happen in other sectors, but you will not hear anything about it in the media, but it will be addressed and resolved appropriately. Why is everything about teachers on social media?” He stated.
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Other educators called on the GES to expedite action when it comes to teacher promotion issues, just as they have taken swift action on such a matter. “Upgrading applications on your desks for more than a year should be given the same level of urgency. We fast at interdicting, but unconcerned about promotion and upgrading.” The comment read:.