Sample WASSCE 2024 Crop Husbandry And Horticulture Practical Questions

Sample WASSCE 2024 Crop Husbandry Practical Questions -
Ghana Education News Publication Regarding The Sample WASSCE 2024 Crop Husbandry Practical Questions. This Publication Entails Only Sample Questions Analysed By Our Team.
The WASSCE 2024 has already begun, although not officially, but some courses have started with their practical works. With at least few days to officially begin the examination. Education News Consult and its affiliate websites will provide candidates with our well-analysed topics alongside our highly predicted questions.
We urge all candidates to understand one simple statement, ‘THERE IS NOTHING LIKE APOR’ in the system, and they should be vigilant in regard to fraudsters selling WASSCE questions, as they claim. This article contains our final and well-analysed sample, WASSCE 2024 crop husbandry practical questions.
The crop husbandry and horticulture with paper code SC5143 will be written on the 19th of August 2024. It will be written in two sets. The first set will start at 08:30 – 10:30 am and the second, 11:00 – 13:00.
As usual, specimens will be provided to each set and will be asked to identify the specimen. From the learning objectives and the curriculum for the course, students are mandated to know the scientific names of all or at least majority of the crops. With that being said, candidates might be asked to name specimens scientifically. An example is the scientific name for garlic is Zingiber officinale.
Also, per our observation, the common specimen WAEC mostly provide is cassava. Candidates should be able to identify some distinct features of specimens that would be provided to them. Again, both scientific and common names of specimens should be known by candidates.
Furthermore, candidates should be aware of some importance of these specimens to both farmers and consumers. Some common diseases which might affect the crops and the simple and basic ways of pest control.
Candidates should be able to differentiate among the three types of manure. The three types of manure are; green manure, farmyard manure, and compost manure. Additionally, the method of propagation of some crops should be well known by candidates. The method of propagating ginger is through its rhizome.
In all, candidates are strongly advised to focus on their practical past question text books and not rely on any form of APOR from any self-acclaimed dealer. There is nothing like APOR in the system.
We wish candidates the very best of luck.
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