University Lecturer Accused of S3xually Assaulting Female Students for Grades
- University Lecturer Accused of S3xually Assaulting Female Students for Grades.
- At least three students have mentioned the lecturer’s name on Twitter related to the subject matter
Female students of the University of Benin (UNIBEN) in Nigeria have boldly called out a lecturer who has tormented them with unwelcome advances and slept with some of them to award them grades.
The students took to Twitter to spill the beans and let the world know the evil ordeals they had gone through at the hands of the said lecturer. The tweets of the female students, which have gone viral, were also shared by YabaLeftOnline @yabaleftonline on Twitter.
It is a big sad issue each time a university lecturer is accused of s3xu*lly assaulting female students for Grades. The lecturer being called out is one Tony Asekhuno.
One of the students who posted about her ordeal uses the Twitter handle CHIKAMMA @AlexVivyNnabue. She stated that he said the lecturer failed her three times then he finally succeeded in raping her. In the end, she was awarded just a C for the bad treatment.
“Tony Asekhuno failed my logic deliberately 3 times until he raped me in his office in my final year and gave me a C. I kept failing because I refused to date him” Her tweet read.
This revelation led to the disclosure of more allegations against the lecturer on Twitter.
Uduak Ekpedeme @theshortiesalon revealed that a female student entered the lecture hall late on a day then the said lecturer ranted saying “Is it because I f>>ked you last night that’s why you’re coming late?” This question was so embarrassing that the lady in question started to cry. According to Uduak Ekpedeme @theshortiesalon, the female student in question was failing the subject taught by the lecture for the third time.
Someone walks in late to a class, and the lecturer yells “Is it because I f>>cked you last night that’s why you’re coming late” She was so embarrassed, later cried in the class that she only did it because she was spilling for the third time and that was the only thing he wanted.
A comment shared on the tweet by @Mercy_McQuin read “This bast**d , usel*ss, and unfortunate man, very short dolt”. These words express the pain that comes with bad memories of the ordeal such students might have gone through at the hands of the said lecturer.
At the time of this publication, Ghana Education News could not independently verify if the University of Benin (UNIBEN) in Nigeria and the lecturer being called out have responded to the allegations trending on Twitter.
Another comment had this to say “Bode raped a student, she became pregnant and put to bed, he was to marry her. Now you’d think he learned his lessons, raped another student again, and that sent him out of the department.”
The issue of university lecturers allegedly s3xu**lly assaulting female students for grades has become too common too many in tertiary institutions.
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These are serious allegations that can tarnish the image of the university as the lecturer hence it will be prudent that the institution and the mentioned lecturer speak on the issue and institute an independent investigation based on the code of conduct rules of the university.
A check on the Sexual Abuse Policy University of Benin (UNIBEN) in Nigeria showed that the institution had a link titled as such yet the link leads to a page that does not provide any information on how it deals with such issues. The link provided was on a document of the university titled University of Benin Policies and Procedures Manual which is also accessible here